
A 64-year-old male from Bileimunda visited the Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) on 18th April, when it was scheduled to visit the Bileimunda area in Sundargarh district in Odisha. He came with complaints of chest pain associated with flatulence, constipation and severe epigastric pain. The patient did not have history of any other chronic ailments.

The MMU doctor prescribed Omeprazole, Digeford, Domperidone, Lactulose, Mefenamic Acid + Dicyclomine hydrochloride with proper dosage instructions. The doctor advised the patient to avoid eating hot spicy food and to eat on time. The patient visited again on the 25th of April and informed that the medication was helpful and he was feeling much better. He thanked the MMU team for the consultation made available at his doorstep with medication, as visiting a hospital with his condition was very difficult for him.

Upon an initial screening, the MMU doctor asked the paramedic to record the vitals, which were: BP 144/65, Pulse rate: 77 bpm, SpO2: 99% and temperature: Afebrile. On thorough physical examination and after hearing his history and condition, he was diagnosed with gastritis.